12 September 2011

Why are you here, Daddy?

In an attempt to balance out the many Christian-Mama posts, here's one on Christian and his Daddy.

P brought Christian to a big playground near our house on Sunday morning, so I could sleep in with the baby.
They saw two Caucasian toddlers with a maid, and a local boy with his grandma at the playground. The local boy had some behavioural issues..he'd run around and then suddenly fall flat to the ground on his back, eliciting surprised looks from Christian.

Christian stared at the boy for a bit then asked P

"where is his daddy?"
P: His daddy is at home.
Ch: Why is his daddy at home?
P: Erm, because his daddy is still sleeping.
Ch (after a pause): Why are you here, Daddy?
P: Because I love you.
Ch: *smiles*

After this exchange, P felt his efforts in bringing Christian to the playground were well rewarded.

(Though after hearing this account from P, I chided P for leading Christian to think that his mama's not at the playground because she doesn't love him (!!!))

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure my dear Godson knows deep down, he'll always be mommy's boy! :)
