29 September 2011

Christian's 3rd Birthday - a photolog

I didn't have many birthday parties when I was young. Of the few that I had, however, I remember them vividly, thanks to photographs taken by my parents.

It is magical, how a single photograph can transport me back to those days when I was a mere 6 or 8 year old, clutching on to my birthday present. Thanks to a photo my mum took of me, I still remember one of my first birthday presents very clearly - a pink ceramic  piggyteddy bank, and remembering that gift brings up those heady days of childhood.

So, here's a photolog of Christian's treats/presents, in the vain hope that he'll see this post when he's grown up one day and remember the days when he was 3 years old.

1st, a trip to the Flyer 

His Dyson hand-held vacuum (he looks like one of the ghostbusters when he carries it, zapping up dust bunnies!)

Celebration in school (he loved showing off his cake to his friends, but asked "what happened to the thomas cake?" after it was sliced and divvy-ed up) 

At explorer kids, downtown east


Celebration at home (I had to agree to getting a separate cake for the family in order to get his assent to bringing a cake to school) 

Celebration at P's sister's house (he was so happy after the bday song was sung, when the cookie was abt to be cut, that he unconsciously shook his hips left-right-left. *grin*)

 Some of his presents 


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