29 September 2011

Christian's 3rd Birthday

"It's Christian's birthday, now, today!"

He was initially nonchalant when I told him while in the car the day before his birthday that it'll be his birthday tomorrow. Got into his 'No, don't want' mood - "No, I don't want thomas train cake. I don't want my birthday." until I told him.. being 3 means he can finally play with playdoh, upon which he went "OOooooOOOooh....".  *grin*

I woke up to a mini tantrum of his in the morning, which was quickly defused when his father told him it was his birthday and he gets to open his present of a Dyson hand-held vacuum cleaner. (He loves to play with the vacuum cleaner at my mum's house, and we purchased the Dyson thinking it'll serve the dual purpose of cleaning the car and allowing him to feel useful.) He also learnt the meaning of "Finally", when P taught him "It's Finally your birthday today."

It's hard to believe that my wee baby is now all of THREE years old. P mused "Though we've only known Christian for a relatively short time, the journey we had is so intense and he's endeared himself to us so that we can't imagine life without him anymore."

Taking stock at this juncture, our 'baby' can now:
  • sleep 10 hours at night
  • Hop and jump around
  • Wash his own hands; put his shoes on
  • Complete a six-piece (or more) puzzle
  • Identify shapes, colours, letters; count to twenty
  • Help with simple household tasks
  • Play spontaneously with two or three children
  • Play "pretend" games such as being a fireman 
  • Recount incidents which happen 9 months or 2 days ago
  • Describe a logical sequence (christian goes to school, finish learning, then mama picks me up. When Christian sees mama he'll say 'MAMA!" and mama will say "Hello!" then mama helps christian into the car, help me wear seat belt, then mama goes in the car, wears seatbelt, turns the engine on, then we go home.. riiiight?")
  • Tell us when he wants to use the toilet
  • Feed himself 
  • Speak in twenty-or-more-word sentences. In fact, he qualifies to be a WTO-negotiator. case in point: i tell him he can have a story before bed. He goes "I want SOOooo maNY stories!" Me: only one. Him: Can i take 5 books? Me (wavering): erm, not so many..  Him: OK! 3! 3! Me: Fine, 3 then. 
  • Use plurals (cats, dogs, etc.)
  • Sing / hum a simple tune
  • Ask A LOT of the "Five W" questions
  • Demonstrate a three-minute attention span (does 8 mazes in a row)
  • Feel shame when caught doing something wrong
  • Understand difference between self and younger children
  • Employ his sense of humor and enjoys making people laugh

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