12 September 2011

Jesus and his Castle

P brought Christian to a church wedding last Saturday, so i could have the morning 'off'. Christian saw a picture of Jesus at the entrance and said 'That's Jesus.' Began asking P questions "Where's Jesus?" and "I want to find Jesus."

The replies we've been giving him have been quite unsatisfactory from his toddler-point of view - "Jesus is everywhere. Jesus is in our heart. Jesus is present when we love each other."

Just yesterday, while sitting on the potty, he launched into a "Remember the castle? Daddy bring me? I saw Jesus. Where is Jesus?"

After being given the usual reply of "Jesus is everywhere" he goes "I want to find Jesus in the market." and "Jesus is in our heart" - "I want to open my body up and find Jesus."


  1. So cute.. I like.. The chikdren want to find Jesus more than us? Jesus said we must have child like faith,,,,

  2. Yes...Christian told me today, when he woke from his nap, that he was thinking about the castle while sleeping.. God's castle. =7
    look out for another post on God, stomach and heart soon. =P
