02 September 2011

Contradiction and laughs

Christian has been driving me quite nuts.. he was ready to go back to school after his bout of chicken pox, but came down with flu and so had to skip the remaining days of school this week.

He was very clingy on Wednesday, asking me to bathe him, pat him to sleep and watch him eat etc etc. My days are peppered with "Do you want to play with me?" I've mostly been patient until last evening when I was surfing the web and he came to me and insisted on playing the games on starfall.com for the 3rd time that day. I told him he needs to give me some time to myself and he gave a mini sulk and walked away. (Of cos, the sulk was only for 2 minutes, before he came running back.)

Just this morning, I found the sliding door pushed slightly open and a burst of sunlight came through. There was a few moments of silence and anticipation. I knew it was Christian and raised my head to smile at him. He immediately cheered and burst into the room with a "Mama, you want to play with me?"

He pulled my arm and immediately let go with concern when I yawned. He thought he hurt me "Mama, does it hurt?" then realised I was merely yawning "Mama, why you yawn?"

Me: Becos I am sleepy.
Ch: Oh, are you sleepy?
Me: Yes.
Ch: Sleep more then.
Me: Huh?
Ch (pats the pillow): Sleep more then.
Me (pleasantly surprised to earn a reprieve): Wow. Ok, thank you!
Ch: (3 seconds later): Mama, you sleep more already? Can get up now?
Me (what short-lived happiness): -_-"

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