18 April 2012

The things children say

It was Christian's first day at the new school yesterday. Christian has adapted to his new school better than I imagined he would. He speaks of his old friends at his 'old school'.. but rather matter-of-factly, and he seems perfectly happy at the new place. P asked him 'How is your new school?' and C replied "It was nice." =7 I managed to leave him alone there today, without too much fuss on his part. He has really grown up! He is able to understand my repeated refrain "You are just staying here for a few hours to play, talk to the teachers and sing some songs..mama will be back to pick you up for lunch and we'll nap at home." He told my dad that school is only 'for a short while..' ^_^

Anyway, I overheard some really funny statements made by the N2 and K2 children as I spent time at his school yesterday and this morning.

K2 boy to K2 girl yesterday, in a grave, confrontational tone -
"Shannon you tricked me. You said you'll give me a Lightning McQueen sticker but you gave me a heart. What does this mean?"

N2 girl at the breakfast table this morning blurts out from nowhere -
"I'll grow very big, you know. As big as my papa and mama."

and my son
yesterday morning, when his Teacher met him for the first time and asked how he was
"I have hair growing on my legs!" *mama hides her face in embarrassment*

this morning...
"Daddy, I was dreaming just now when I was sleeping..I dreamt that I was a hunter, and you were the wolf!" (Freud would probably have something to say about this.)

"Botak Botak...Botak starts with B!" *mama bursts out laughing* "Why are you laughing, mama?"

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