26 April 2012

She whines, at 9!

Dear baby Calista

You are not such a baby anymore..we witness your ever-emerging consciousness as you make attempts to communicate with us, and I am struck by the sentiment that you are growing fast..much too fast for my liking.. though of course it would be selfish to want you to remain like this forever. Parenthood is full of contradictions. It is your Daddy's and my greatest wish for you and your brother to grow up into adults who are pleasing to God, self-fulfilled and wise. The process is fraught with uncertainty and lots of doubt as to whether we are doing what is necessary for you two to get there.. whether we are doing enough.. and sometimes, I wish that we have already reached that end point in time, so that I can rest easy in the knowledge that we've accomplished what we've set out to do. And yet, some part of me wishes that the two of you will never grow up.. that you and your brother will remain our sweet babies forever, babies who will always be here for us to take care, babies who love our company and sweet-talk.

I think you will fully understand only when you become a mum yourself, like I did. All this musing seems just in time for Mother's Day. Haha. But I digress.

I wanted to let you know how much you've grown in the past month, how you've changed, and how you've managed to endear yourself (even more! how is that possible?!) to all around you..

You managed to crawl properly on 27th March..Just a few days after I commented in my previous letter that I hope you'll crawl forwards and with confidence soon. :)

You've also shown an interest in finding out how things work.. when I fed you the Happy Baby Melts on the 29th, you reached for the pack (which was resealable), shook it and turned it upside down in an attempt to pour the melts out. :)

Oh, another major milestone this past month! Your 3rd and 4th teeth emerged on 30th March! You started having runny nose on that day and slight fever.. and I felt the tip of your top front left tooth pushing out from the gum. Your top front right tooth appeared the very next day.

This letter is a little late, but you've managed to pull yourself up from a crawl, to a kneeling position, to a stand on 21st April.. and you've also learnt to wave bye by moving your hand up and down..

You've also learnt how to communicate with your body language. Sometimes Popo will test you and offer to carry you out the house. You'll resolutely refuse the temptation, instead kicking your legs and patting my arms with both your hands to signal that you wish me to go out of the house.

You've become rather clingy and vocal about wanting me and only me to carry, the minute you see me within the same room. You will whine and give a pre-cry in order to get me to carry you, every time i'm in your line of sight. Last weekend when we were at the playground, your nainai marvelled at how you'd turn your head here and there to seek me out and whimper/whine till I could take it no more and go over to carry you. Somehow, you'd reject all others, except Daddy, if you are in my arms and others open their arms in their offer to carry you.

I am so glad you've adjusted well to the move too..settling in and sleeping well right from the start. I have also managed to put you to bed without too much fuss for a few nights now.. you only need to be fed until you turn away from me, and I'll carry you into your cot while you are half awake, stroke your side for a while, watch for your breathing to slow and then voila! the baby is asleep! :)

You close your eyes when you fear something..like the time when you were playing with metal bowls in the kitchen and would close your eyes and frown when they went 'clang' onto the floor. It makes me think of an ostrich that sticks its head in the sand and I can't help but find that so adorable.

Eating-wise, you've finally started to eat quite a decent amount of porridge..my reserves of frozen EBM are at the last 2 packs though.. i think we'll have to supplement in a weeks' time. :( Oh well.. so we managed to feed you BM exclusively for 9.5 months.. that's not too bad and i won't beat myself up, knowing that I've really tried my best. I'll continue to produce my meagre amount..just so we'll have an easier time at night (P is saved from having to wake up and mix the formula as long as I hang in there for the night feeds)... let's see how long we can keep up the partial b/feeding for :) < You are such a joy in our lives, dear Calista...and you are definitely Daddy's precious darling.. the highlight of his days.. thank you for being with us.. we look forward to witnessing more of your milestones as you grow with us each day!
Lots and lots of love

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