06 April 2012

The conversation last night (5 Apr 12)

He made me laugh again last night.. 

I was telling him how happy I am to have him, to see him grow a little every day, a mix of Daddy and I. He said "you gave birth to me?" I said "Yes." Then he asked "Where's my birth now?" Haha..He thought "birth" was a thing that I gave to him! 

I explained that "to give birth" means the act of pushing a baby out from mama's belly..just like how i pushed meimei out of me too. That obviously got him started on "where did you push me out from?" =S

He asks rather pertinent questions though. We were talking about boys and girls, and how each gender should not look at each other in the bathroom..and that got me nagging about strangers, and how he should only follow family and teachers around. He mentioned "i follow friends too! Can I follow my friends?" I replied in the affirmative, and he started telling me about Meredith, who bumped her head against the chair, but did not cry...and that she's 'Big'. He said he loves family.. and his friends too. I assured him that it's great to love friends, and added "i love some of my friends too." He began asking "who are your friends?" and that was when i realised my list of friends has dwindled considerably. He asked "Why you don't have many many friends?" and I explained that I used to have lots, but after some time, I would tell my friends that I can't meet them cos I need to go home to Christian, to Calista, and then I have less friends over time.. 

He made the observation that my list was mostly of women though.. and asked "What about your boy-friends, mama? Do you have any boy-friends?" I burst out laughing, told him Daddy used to be my boyfriend, but is now my husband, and came up with two other names for him. :) 

And that got him thinking about Daddy and started a whole series of questions "Why is Daddy not back yet?" "Why he work so slow?" "Why does he have so much work?" 

I gave up answering his questions after some time, and told him I'd count to 100 to help him sleep. (Good way of boring him to sleep and helping him revise number order right? =P)

1 comment:

  1. haha! Mine had problem going to bed one night bc he was remembering our trips overseas. Got him too excited!
