13 August 2012

1st time at Sunday School!

I’ve been thinking about bringing Christian to church for a long time..we tried a couple of times while he was still young, but we were confined to the ‘cry room’ with other young parents and crying babies, and found the uninspiring sermon and struggle with his boredom a waste of our Sunday morning.

Now that he has grown somewhat, and has lots of questions about God, I thought the time was ripe to introduce him to God’s house and people. I tried to start off by praying with him, but it inevitably triggered lots of questions about “where does God live?” “I want to see him now..why can’t I see him.” “Why did God make __” etc etc.. it was time for a more structured introduction to Him!

And so we went yesterday..the people at church were very welcoming and I was surprised to know that children as young as 3 may start Sunday ‘school’. It seemed like He led us where we needed to be…i signed up not knowing what it would be like, but the program was just what I was hoping for.

They start by singing kiddy praise songs (related to the theme of the week) with the N1s and N2s, with a teacher at the piano and a few teachers demonstrating the actions to go along with the songs. The N1s and N2s then break up into different classes, and the teacher will read aloud from the bible, before explaining with the help of figurines mounted on a white board, and making sure the children understand by asking them questions about the verse and what they just heard. (Christian was soooo pleased that he answered the teacher correctly…when asked why Elisha went around from town to town.. he said “to talk about God”..when she praised him, he turned around to beam at me-who-was-sitting-at-the-back.)

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The class of N2 children then break up further and sit at the table to do some craft related to the bible verse…this week, it was a pasting activity illustrating the house prepared by the kind lady, for Elisha. Lastly, they are gathered into a circle where another teacher revises the action to one of the kiddy praise song heard earlier. They also get to take home a notebook where the memory verse of the week is pasted. The verse for this week – “Do not fear, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13b:

They have ample teachers to help out during the class.. there are 4 teachers to 15 students. I’m so glad we managed to start him on this…it’s been on my mind for some time. I hope he’ll get to know more about God as the weeks pass.

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