31 July 2012

Chef Christian

I must have mentioned this before – Christian’s ambition, ever since we starting him asking the question, is to be a CHEF.

This is why he loves his book Doodle Cook and I am happy to indulge him in it since it helps him practice his pen-grip and hand control in a way that amuses him.

Yesterday, after finishing one of the creations “Thousand-Layer Cake” (it looks nothing like the kueh lapis of this region!), we had the following exchange:

Ch: You are the customer

Me (smiling): Yes. How much will you charge for this cake?

Ch: (beams and thinks for a moment): Er…two dollars. *nods*

Me (cheekily): Not 2 Kisses??

Ch (eyes light up and pauses before saying): Erm..1 dollar. 1 dollar only.

Me (trying to push it): How about 1 kiss?

Ch (grinning): No. 1 dollar only. Very cheap. Ok??

Me (pretends to be hurt): You’d rather receive money than kisses??

He frowns a little, and I sense him worrying about offending me, but I flash him a smile and he relaxes before blinking, nodding and saying “Yes!” =7

Ch: “After I finish keeping my tools I will open the cake and let you eat.

I love you customer…come again next week ok? Next week, when you come, I will make you a nice dish. Ravioli! I will make you ravioli!”

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p/s I think the ravioli he had at The Alkaff Mansion must be, for him, the epitome of a great dish. What an atas boy.

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