15 February 2012

CNY 2012

It's been more than 2 weeks since CNY.. although, since CNY technically only ended last week (Chinese New Year is traditionally for 15 days), I guess this post isn't too late.

We didn't do very much this CNY. I'm not the type to lug my kids around to visit, insisting that they follow my schedule cos I think as their parents, we are responsible for them getting enough rest. Disrupting their schedules usually results in tired children who then turn cranky and throw tantrums for no reason. Not fun, and something you do not wish relatives-whom-you-meet-once-a-year to witness.

So. With two kids and nap times to work around, the only places we visited were the grandparents'. It was Calista's first CNY but she barely knew what was happening, other than that it was very loud at Nainai's house, with lots of children shouting.

Christian was happy for the chance to meet his cousins. He was even willing to be separated from us, after visiting P's grandma's place. One of the relatives drove a small mini-bus, and Ch piled into it together with his cousins to go to P's mum's house. Anyway, I'm glad it's over, cos it certainly was difficult to keep Ch away from all the festive goodies. We decided to give in and allowed him a cookie here, a sweet there, a small slice of cake.. and he's been coughing for 2 weeks ever since. Sigh..i wish his constitution was stronger, so I can be less restrictive in terms of his diet.


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