Happy 7th Month!
You have really grown in the past month.. I probably say the same thing at the start of every letter i write to you, but the changes in you as you grew from 6 to 7 months are really marked.
The basics - food, sleep and milk
You have developed a new habit of sleeping only after using me as pacifier..I don't really mind it cos you do not seem as if you will develop a habit of comfort nursing (ha am i speaking too soon) unlike your brother who exhausted me cos he never seemed to want to release the latch.
You love to try new foods, and put everything into your mouth to form an opinion about it. ^_^

In the past month, you've tried dragon fruit, papaya, apple, pear and sweet potato/egg yolk/avocado/banana mashed up and mixed with milk. So far, you only really love cereal..and don't seem to like egg much, unlike your brother. You'll smack the table with one hand once we put you in the high chair though, like a Viking demanding his grub.
It has become very difficult to nurse you directly during the day because of the introduction of new foods, and also cos you are such a Ms Kaypoh (for the benefit of my readers in foreign lands, this means "Ms Nosey Parker"). The littlest sound or shout filtering through the window will cause your head to snap in that direction, and you'd be the picture of a deer facing the headlights. The expression really amuses me, but it is NoT amusing to have to coax you to return to the task at hand. The only time we manage to nurse successfully is at about 9pm, just before you sleep. You'd fall asleep rather quickly after having your fill, and protest as I carry you. I was just telling your Daddy, "It's amazing! She doesn't want me to carry her to sleep (probably cos you think i'm going to try and force you to drink more); instead, she's contented once i put her down in her cot!" You'll turn your head left, right, left, right, whimper a little, smile back at me, then flutter your eyelids and sleep. Heaven. It's after having you that we know why parents are keen to have more babies, even after having a firstborn.
Emerging Personality!
You aren't such a gentle rabbit no more though. (Calista's born in the Year of the Rabbit, according to the Chinese Zodiac). I sometimes wonder why my Rabbit has turned into a fierce tiger. You showed us your true colors the other day, when you tugged at me while b/feeding. I exclaimed loudly, you paused, stared at me, assessed the situation, then wailed so loudly that grandma who was in the bathroom was startled. Whoever taught babies to be the first accuser? Anyway, your poor mama, who was still hurting, was afraid that you'd go on a nursing strike after having negative emotions associated with nursing, so she had to quickly soothe you and say it's alright. Sheesh. (Though i admit that it's quite cute to see you stare, worriedly, before bawling.)

Your expressions bring us such joy..a baby's face is such an open book. You raise an eyebrow (or two) when puzzled by strange noises or phenomena, smack your lips n stick your tongue out repeatedly when hungry, flap n kick when excited.. you even growl like The Incredible Hulk bursting out of his costume when angry. Even though you can't say anything other than 'mama' and 'mum-mum' occasionally, you communicate your thoughts and opinions very well. :) We are so proud of you too, for being able to tell us you are hungry by saying 'mum-mum', starting a month or two ago. The other day, you woke at 6am and I ignored you for a while as I snoozed. When I eventually felt sorry for you and turned the light on to pick you up, you rewarded my efforts with a cackle n a jig. Oh you are definitely aware of things that go on around you. I love it when I clap my hands, and you respond by stretching your arms out and lurching forward towards me.
I think your personality is quite like mama's - that of a sileu.nt observer. We see such intelligence in your eyes, as you try to figure out the world around you. The other day, I turned the radio on you tried to look for the source, smiling when I clapped to the beat. After a while you looked puzzled n tried to grab something on the bed. I figured you were looking at shadows, and made some moving shadows with my fingers.
You looked at my fingers, then down on the bed, as if trying to figure out the connection. There was also once when you smiled at me as I looked at you probably cos you thought I was gng to pick you up. Unfortunately i walked away to the kitchen and you protested by crying.
Yes. My personality, and your daddy's features. It's as if my soul is trapped in Daddy's body. Haha!
Other than the polite hollow coughs we hear when you are bored and wish us to pick you up or move you to another place, you have other amusing mannerisms peculiar to you. You love to fold and put one leg up on the high chair as you eat, in a most unbecoming manner. Ha. I think we have to do some etiquette training when you grow up. You've also started shaking your legs from the knee to the sole when happy or excited..or sticking a thumb in your mouth the way cowboys stick their thumbs in the pocket of their jeans.. =7

Physical growth
In terms of physical development, you are sitting very well and we are no longer so worried about you tumbling over whilst sitting. However, you are nowhere near crawling yet. You've discovered your toes and started munching on them when bored and in want of entertainment :)

Physical features
You still look a little boy..most strangers ask "Is this a boy?" when they see you.. we dressed you up in your brother's old romper and put a cap on for laughs. I had such fun looking at you and your brother was most amused with his 'didi'..

Dear baby, I can't wait for you to grow up a little more and yet, I treasure this time when you still give gummy grins and have just a bit of fuzz on your head. Sigh. Stay sweet and placid ok? We love you lots. Here's a snippet of conversation between Mama and your brother on you -
Ch: Why Meimei not big yet? I want her to play with me.
Me: She's growing bigger and we are feeding her so she'll grow bigger.
Ch: Must sleep to grow bigger too.

Well..know that we are all waiting for you to talk and join us in our family conversation. We are sure lots of laughs and a big ruckus is awaiting us as you and your brother interact more :)
your mama, always.
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