This letter is rather overdue, given that you are already 2 weeks away from turning 5 months old. Oh well, it's been a busy month...
But first, here's a song I came across by Feist, on Sesame Street -
Lyrics | Feist lyrics - 1234 [Sesame Street Version] lyrics
It's been a rollercoaster month.. You've brought us so much joy whenever we come home from work and see you kicking in glee as you catch sight of our faces. Your antics provide us fodder for conversation and laughs; your cuteness makes our heart melt.
I've finally been able to put an accurate description to what you do in the middle of the night, when you are all swaddled up and wish to wake me up so I'd feed you - mermaid body slamming. You'll flap the lower part of your body and slam it against the bed so sleepy mama will rouse from slumber and carry you. Given that you are all swaddled up, you really do look half-human, half-fish. =7
You've also become so'd cough and cough politely and softly when we leave you on your playmat for too long.. it's your way of saying 'come carry me now, please'. You have demonstrated your meekness.. we marvel at how polite and patient you are! :) You've shown your temper when things don't go the way you want though..we hear your shrieks of anger and shrill cries and think 'oh dear.. she might just end up more difficult than her brother, haha.'
You can't talk yet, but you can certainly communicate with your deep exhalations signifying frustration/ complaint, your gummy grins, and various 'oohs' and 'eeehs'. I am always amused whenever I see one brow of yours raised in puzzlement too..
I've heard quite a few "mam mum's" coming from you this month and it usually signifies "i want milk!"
Daddy insists he's heard a "pa pa" too though I tell him it's too early for those syllables to mean anything to u.. u've no idea that they r meant to refer to that tall man who constantly makes funny faces to make you laugh.
You've started playing favourites a bit this month though. You cried, two weeks in a row, whenever we were at Nai Nai's house and she tried to carry you..sometimes you'd even cry when Daddy carries you.. you also wailed at Popo's house, looking around in bewilderment as if wondering 'Which planet have I been transported to now?' We've decided we need to bring you out of the house more to expose you to different sights and sounds.. and you've quickly adapted and grown to like being out.
You've grown much stronger.. and rolled over! You've not done it much since that fateful day your daddy and I witnessed your first double-roll.. it's our fault though..we oughta put you on your belly more often, but we are often afraid to do it after your feeds, for fear of creating spit-ups. You've started doing crunches whenever placed on a high pillow too.. you'd try and try.. and i'd laugh at your cute expressions until you get upset and I scramble to lift you up.
We've placed you in the bumbo and you look super cute in it.. but unfortunately you don't seem to like being stuck in it for too long so we refrain from putting you in it often..your favourite mode of transport is still the sarong.. like a koala hugging a tree, you can stay in the sarong for a long long time and even fall asleep in it.
You've also turned into a drool monster and love to mouth anything you can get your hands on. And well, if there's nothing for you to drag and put in your mouth, your index finger is just as yummy to you. (I must confess at this point that your cheeks look so delectable that Daddy and I find it so hard to resist chomping on 'em.)
There's still not much of a schedule in place for you.. it's mostly our fault cos we aren't able to get you to drink much at a time.. and especially on the days i'm off from work, i'd try to avoid giving you the bottle so you work really hard to get your milk.. and you often give up.. sigh. There have been a few occasions where you napped about 2 hours, giving Aunty Ida some time to focus on her housework though. We are hopeful that it can only get more consistent in the months to come.
And since we are on the topic of consistency, I should add that you have been consistently poo-ing only once or twice a's apparently normal since breastmilk is easily absorbed by the body.. but i keep having the nagging worry that perhaps it's a sign that you are not drinking enough.
Oh's only been 4 months, but it already feels like you've been in our lives forever. We can't wait for you grow bigger and stronger, and I'm sure your korkor would love to be able to play with you at the jiayou, little one!
Big hugs and kisses (and little chomps on those cheeks) from mama.
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