18 October 2011

Letter to my 3 month old

Dear Calista

You'll be 3 months old tomorrow! It's amazing how quickly that happened...we've gotten into the groove of things, you and I, and a nice rhythm has been established. I've gotten used to the waking up, juggling between you and your korkor. Too bad I'm returning to work next week. I'm sure that will change things somewhat.

We've gotten to know you better after these few months.

You generally sleep well at night.. going to bed between 10pm - 11pm and waking up around 4 / 5 am for a feed, and another time at 7 / 9 am (daytime sleep is another matter altogether), waking for good only at 11am. Although I'd prefer that you wake up at 7am everyday so I can feed you before going to work next time, I'm just grateful that you usually go right back to sleep after the night feeds, allowing me to do the same. You hardly poop at night now, saving me from having to do diaper changes and waking you up in the process. We believe that your good sleep is thanks to the swaddle i bought. What a great investment that has been!

Snug in the swaddle

(I can still remember the nightmarish first months of your korkor's life.. when he would cry and cry from 11pm - 5am, leaving me and our then-helper exhausted from all the rocking / soothing.)  

You hardly sleep in the daytime though.. and even if we manage to get you to snooze, you hardly sleep for more than 30 mins at a go. I'm still waiting for the stage where we can progress to 3 distinct naps, but right now, you generally fall asleep after Ida slings you, after which we will carefully put in your yao lan. 

You hardly cry for milk too.. you'd wait patiently, cooing in Ida's arms (i think you recognise that it's not mama carrying you so no point trying to seek milk), or give little mews signifying hunger, latching on hungrily when i eventually offer some nourishment. :) You are generally a happy and content baby, mewing only when you've been ignored and left in your rocker for too long or when you are really hungry. I know that sleep trumps feeding for you though. This is evident from the many times I've tried to make you drink more to relieve me from engorgement, only to be met with your stubbornly pursed lips. You'd even scowl and let out a mini-wail to indicate your displeasure if i try too ardently, upon which I know to give it up (you'd close your eyes, give a deep sigh and go back to being the sweet angel once i give up and start swaying while carrying you). I only hope that this does not mean you'll be a difficult eater!

So much on your sleep and feeding habits! But your life is currently made up largely of these. Other than that, we've learnt that you can spend long periods entertaining yourself, before giving a mini-howl for your slaves to get their act together and pay you some attention.

Staring intently at one of your favorite things

We've also learnt that, unlike your brother, you are not so much of a wimp and would not protest upon being put into the bath water or when being changed. You've also developed stronger neck muscles, discovered your hands, gumming your right hand with relish, and started blowing saliva bubbles (eww). I've also learnt that you are not very athletic..you tolerate at most 4 minutes of tummy time and a few clunks onto the mattress before protesting furiously until we turn you over.
Tired of tummy time

Your brother has learnt to share his parents with you, and is truly fond of you. He'll make allowances for you in his plans to distribute any imaginary loaves of bread he has, in addition to slices for him, daddy and me. He'll also include you in plans such as going to Nai nai's house (though it took him some time to come to terms with not being the exclusive patron of Nai nai's house). We are sure that you two will learn to love and play with each in future (and then mama and daddy can scoot off on dates! =P)

The smiles that you give us when we look into your eyes and talk to you are such beautiful gifts from Him. It is truly one of my current greatest pleasures in life to see you grin so widely your eyes disappear, and give a little wiggle of delight whenever I initiate contact with you. You love to 'talk' too, especially to mama and gonggong..seeing the myriad expressions which accompany your talk, we are sure you'll be as much of a chatterbox as your brother currently is, in future.
Talking with Daddy

Things have not been too difficult thus far and I'm grateful. I thank God for giving me such a sweet little girl, and for giving me you after your brother, and not before. That he was such a handful makes us more appreciative of your easy-going nature. Grow well (but not too quickly), little girl. We love you lots and cherish these early days when you still want to be carried and cuddled.


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