02 May 2014


I’ve been telling this story to anyone who would listen..

Was putting Calista to bed one night, and sang her “I Wish You Love”..I was feeling quite pleased with myself after completing the song, and was debating whether to sing “Dream a little Dream” or “Fly Me to the Moon” when she went:

“Mama I can’t sleep…”

I tenderly stroked her hair and told her not to worry, “just close your eyes and i’ll sing you another song until you sleep”.

At that point, she interjected and said:

“Mama stop singing. I can’t sleep.”

My bubble immediately burst and I started fuming –_-“


Another night, it was Christian’s turn to be utterly frank with me. I was thinking of my boss going to his mother’s house for dinner, and thought to ask Christian “Darling, will you still come and have dinner with me when you are 50 and I 75?”

He hemmed and hawed and I expressed surprise at his hesitation, so he blurted “But what if you die already? So old…how about earlier? When you are not so old?

I burst out laughing at how he was perfectly comfortable expressing that thought to me without realising that it’s taboo amongst adults to talk of death.

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