02 May 2012

Mastitis (this post is not for the men)

I'm in the midst of my first bout of mastitis, since giving birth to Calista. I had it about three times, during my b/feeding journey with Christian, and thought myself wiser this time round. Too bad it had to strike once before my imminent weaning.

Just to jog the memory when I read this in future, my boobies felt lumpy and very tender/painful in the morning. I was hoping it was just blocked ducts that could wait till I got home and treated myself with a boiling hot compress, but by the time I did yoga during lunchtime, I started feeling the familiar body ache and slight chills. It progressed to a full-blown headache, fever, body ache and freezing hands by 4pm. Oh how i wished I didn't take medical leave last week for my wisdom tooth extraction. I am far too embarrassed to go off early due to a medical reason AGAIN, and so have decided to sit out my misery in office, bundled up in a shawl and jacket.

Of course, my mother has to scare me with a story she came across in the Chinese tabloid, of how this 30-something year old woman with a 4 month old baby had fever, went to see the doc, still went to work, and passed away after 4 days. Her husband thought she had recovered in bed, but she had apparently gone for some time. =S


  1. You might need medication if it's infected though. I had a really really bad case of mastitis when my no.3 was 18months old. I've been wary ever since.

    Can you take high dose of Vitamin C, and high doses of garlic pearles (natural antibiotic). Panadol if you have fever. Keep the breast massaged and drained often. If it's very red and painful, might be better to alternate the warm with cold compresses for comfort.

    Drink lots!

  2. Thanks a lot.. so sweet of you to show concern. =)
    I took panadol in the office yesterday, and the fever was gone by late evening. There's only a slight head/body ache now..and very lumpy painful boobs. Not red though. =7

    I wasn't quite sure if Vit C would help but my husband passed me a tablet so i just took it this morning. The boobs are still hard and sore although I fed Calista in all sorts of funny positions (in an attempt to drain the ducts at the side).

    Will look out for the garlic pearles. (I did make an effort to eat chunks of lightly cooked garlic during dinner last night.. thinking it'll help :))

  3. Been through these so oh well - best to prevent. Happens when your immunity is low too. I'm still breastfeeding.

    The garlic pearles that are high-dose are Kordels.

  4. Kudos to you, for breastfeeding no. 3 till toddlerhood! It's really not easy, and i'm full of admiration. :)

    Didn't realise it was linked to immunity, though upon reflection, it must be.. Thanks for pointing out the brand..

  5. Yes, it is linked to immunity. So if you have been very busy rushing around and not having enough rest/drink/eat. Then it's easier to get. I'm lazy - so all (except no.1) have been bf until they were 3+. Not sure if this one will last longer. I have a feeling that the days might end not too far in the future.
