Am filled with gratitude and awe at how wonderful God is. He is not an abstract, faraway notion, but is active and present in my life.
After resigning last Friday, my mind was still filled with niggling doubt and worry.. "Did i do the right thing?" "Am I killing my career prematurely?" "Will I ever be able to get back to the workforce?" "Will we be able to afford a nice house for our children in future?" "What if the rainy day comes and we don't have enough savings?" "I love my children.. but but but...."
Inwardly, I sent a silent prayer up to God..a prayer so silent that it was buried in my subconscious. Please send a sign so that I know this is the right path to take..that this is pleasing to You, that this is Your will for me too.
(I had previously already come across many random occurrences which led me to believe that He approved of this step. Friends would send me links to marriage articles which came from a Christian stay home mum website, with a mission statement "To encourage and build up Christian Stay-At-Home-Moms" right on top of its homepage. I would read my regular mummy blogs and come across posts which expound on the virtues of being your child's teacher, that staying home is not a waste of education.. The recent debate on re: stay home mums which arose as a result of some American politician's wife's statement that the opponent's wife "stayed home with her children and never worked a day in her life" also helped to crystalise the arguments for staying home. But I was greedy and sent up the subconscious prayer even after resigning. I was insecure and a worry-wart.)
And so, when I googled "Sunday school", researching for Christian, I was taken aback when I clicked on the most innocuous link and read the following post which was posted in 2007 (i hope the forummer pardons my reproducing her post) -
"Hi mums,
I'm a mother of 3 yr old boy. Been a Christian for 20+ yrs but feeling kinda down lately. Hope that thru this place, we can share encouragement for one another.
Just to share how important mums are to our kids - my church's last sunday sermon on 2nd Timothy, Paul wrote to Timothy says:
"I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also." 2 Timothy 1:5
What an impact a mother can have on her children that others can see!"
Seeing my name in there was like having God rap his knuckles on my head, saying "There, Eunice! There you have it from me!"
What more can I ask for. Thank you Lord!
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