18 June 2013

Christian’s Art

We’ve found that Christian enjoys art, colouring and seems to have a knack for multicoloured drawings.

As a way of preserving these early childhood drawings, here’s a post dedicated to his works.

P bought him a jigsaw base from Daiso and had him make a special Mother’s Day gift for me, all by himself. He told me he purposely drew purple petals cos he knows it’s my favourite colour.


Here are two of his multi-coloured creations. One is of Elly the Elephant (based on a book I bought him of an elephant whose of a different colour from all the rest), and he says the other is a castle with a moat and a bird in the sky..IMG_2963


The last two are some watercolour paintings..think he just dabbed colours as he pleased, and came up with the creatures afterwards..P says the first looks like 3 ghouls, and Ch thinks the other looks like a dragon spitting fire.



I think this ain’t too bad for a almost 5 year old..and I know he’s a little upset that he is not able to draw animals / objects in his school’s exercise books (complaining they end up looking like monsters).

And so, I decided to search around for a suitable art class for him this June holidays. I was initially interested in Abrakadoodle and almost signed up cos it was near home, but couldn’t convince myself to settle, after reading the descriptor of their holiday program (seems llike they do some craft, go to the beach etc..) What he really wanted was guidance on how to draw, and so I persevered. Was so happy to find a children’s art studio near my house which had a flexible art holiday program. I could pick which days he wanted to attend (I opted for Tue and Thur in the 3rd week of June, and Mon – Thur in the 4th week) and they would also tailor the program according to his ability. Looking forward to him having a good time exploring this interest..I suppose this is what holidays should be like, exploring interests.. 

Instead of enrolling him in a 9am – 3pm English/Chinese holiday program like I did last December, this June holidays has been all about fun, learning how to skate, and learning how to draw..things he doesn’t usually have time for during the school term..

Hope you are having a happy holidays, son! :)

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