Hi baby…
It’s been a long time since Mama had time to blog. The past month has not been the easiest, but God has been kind and given me much help, for which I am grateful.
I am also thankful for the time I had with you…it wasn’t always all roses and peachy, but we definitely have a stronger bond now. Your Daddy is surprised by how obedient you are, how you follow my instructions. (Apparently his exhortations do not have the same effect.) I will be going back to work next Monday and oh, I’m afraid I will miss all those lazy afternoons home with you, while I lay beside you and attempt to put you to nap. Sigh. I never thought I’d say this, but I AM looking forward to going back to work though. I feel that I can contribute more to the family than being home and doing housework / the mundane..although it is in the mundane and in the endless hours of being together with you and your brother, that a strong relationship is built.
Working parents try to convince themselves that quality beats quantity. As long as we have quality time together, our bond will still be strong. I suppose going to work doesn’t necessarily mean you will be a delinquent child, but I understand your father when he said one of the contributing factors for his academic ‘success’ was having a mum at home, who was around to keep an eye on him while he did his homework in the kitchen. Oh well..perhaps I’ll take another break from work when you and your brother are older, and we’ll try again then. :)
Darling, you’ve grown so much these past two months. I don’t even know where to begin or how to describe it. Let’s start with last night/ this morning. I took some pictures of you in the car with your favourite cow-cushion (which you call “Mmmmmoo”). Your Daddy and I were thrilled when you could identify yourself in the pictures, and patted your collarbone when we asked “Who is that??”
![IMG_1736[1] IMG_1736[1]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjrR4CxsnxI-8EWn-GcCp0MV7mAkaqVt_ww1iPenomnBxA_Z0nma1KY2RLgvqGMx9zsSzsEJHhq-mPTvmownhb-Ve5zYPYXx-Br78qPtcNFzEgZmjv3q-IH0_xiXY-YMYmRv4Hxw2VYbvEO/?imgmax=800)
![IMG_1742[1] IMG_1742[1]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgqbznz8JrSUlOjUZWK8K5ZJuesftjIlfx5RcYBb6rrOnAgRAtDIDSg1yK51hhY-YJhPhyphenhyphenpM_hTZKNT0816-W22aoBoF-_E4b1z6OF9V-3mf8yTurxyx3_ZQYB-SVGAwNf8nAYFJu8GXpog/?imgmax=800)
You rub your hands when I say “wash hands”, you beam at me when you see birds, cats, buses..you lie down in the stroller when I say “sleep” after I see you fighting sleep..i also hear something that sounds like “Mii-ilk” whenever you see the bottle. =7 Your grandma was so pleased to see your cuteness during the two weeks when we stayed at her place. You would reject her breakfast of oatmeal, only to say “Mum-mum, mum-mum” excitedly whenever you spot some pancake / kueh at the market.
You’ve also started nodding your way.. “Wanna go out?” always elicits many emphatic nods *grin* and this morning, when I pointed to the mattress below the bed and said “Daddy” in my half-asleep state, I saw you nod again.
Along with the nods come the verbal “Nonononono”. You usually say this when we are about to go out, and you are not certain if you’ll be brought along. “Nonononogogogogogo,” is what we hear, and I think that means “Noooooo don’t go without meeeeee!”
I love figuring out what it is that you want, and I love to see you beam when you see that I understand you. Ah. Being understood is such a wonderful feeling, isn’t it. We went through a baby sign language picture book, and you picked up some adorable actions from there.. “Baby” is supposed to be signed by a rocking motion, but you have improvised and hug yourself when you say ‘buh-by’.
You’ve got “Hi” down pat now. The other day, you walked over to me by pushing a little pink stool. I was engrossed in something else but my heart just melted when you came by, put your little right hand up, looked at me and said “Hi….” softly yet brightly.
We are on our way to toilet training you too! You’ve started telling me when you want to poop, but patting the sides of your diaper and saying ‘ng-ng’. Haha. It is really cute, but maybe only to a mother. You understand when I tell you that it’s smelly and we need to wipe you up, cos it’s the Only Time you willingly plop yourself down on a bed/ mattress for me to wipe your buttocks. Your awareness is so amazing..you also lean over my thigh (without complaint and without too much exhortation) so that I can spray water at your cutesy baby buttocks. This reminds me also of the times when I tell you it’s time for bed, and you automatically crawl towards the bedroom, pausing only at the door to blow kisses at everyone.
Ah yes. Kisses. You are so generous with them, well..at least towards those who are close to you. You go ‘mmm-mah’ whenever i say ‘i love you’.. and whenever i carry you after a long absence, you’ll hug me tight with both arms and kiss some part of my shoulder / face. Sigh. Unconditional love. I shall cherish this for as long as it lasts. You are more wary towards strangers though. When grandaunt wanted to bring you out for a walk the other day and tried to entice you with keys, you stared at her, plucked the keys out of her hands and passed them to me, asking me to bring you out instead. *grin*
Oh yes, I forgot to mention..you have not started walking yet, although you do cruise pretty well. Your brother started walking at 14 months, so I think it may happen some time this month..but i’m not too anxious about it. You stood by yourself without support on a few occasions, and even took a few unconscious, uncertain steps towards people before collapsing into their arms too, but I don’t think that should be considered first steps..maybe i’m deluding myself because once you start walking, my baby will officially be a toddler!
Did i mention that you love to feed yourself? Not water, which you mastered many weeks ago but real food. Your self-feeding skills are pretty good for a 1 year old, and a decent amount (75%, depending on the viscosity of the grub) actually gets in your mouth. You throw a fit the minute I try to help you..if I even so much as touch the spoon, you’ll erupt into tears and wails which evaporate immediately the second I lift my finger off the spoon. Oh. You strong-willed one..
![IMG_1606[1] IMG_1606[1]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhhRbrlgUlF8gxZCJoEsQ2FrLHnR3dYuC5CgDh1SQ7ObhK_8IjgA3BAGmjlDQoPA8rkgYVizjSxYMU6iVYjhh8f9VTjIcyA5DFA03mLM69KRZFUh-HkvsqFp8BxDPwpiyPUY9yVh09QmmaU/?imgmax=800)
I’ll miss you and your brother so.. but I’ve got to stop here now. Mama is still searching for a helper (the helper who was originally supposed to come in the 1st week of October has been pronounced “emotionally unstable” by the Philippines training center so we have to start the search all over again) and then we are off to celebrate your brother’s birthday at his school!