04 March 2012

Elmo's Sing-along CD

The other day P brought our helper Ida to visit the TCM practitioner for her cough and I was left alone at home with two kids. I think they were worried I couldn't handle them both on my own, and truthfully I was a little worried they would both want to poo at the same time (that happened another day, thankfully).

Anyway, I found the Elmo Sing-along personalised CD which Angie and Ivan gave Calista last Christmas and put it to good use. We had so much fun, the three of us.. listening to the silly songs and bouncing/dancing around the bedroom (ok, Calista could only sit and watch but she seemed to enjoy our antics). Christian was initially a little upset that Elmo kept saying Calista's name and did not know Christian was there...but he cheered up after I sang along with Elmo and inserted Christian's name at the appropriate places. Haha.

The boy worked up such a sweat dancing like a possessed medium, he made me laugh till my stomach hurt. I really liked the mix of genres within the CD - country, blues, pop, military marches...and Christian liked that Elmo was talking about singing silly songs like "Sarasponda".. Thanks, Godma and Godpa!


  1. oopsie, sorry, we should have gotten one for christian too... well, we have a personalised gift especially for his birthday coming right up! hehe! :)

  2. Oh no worries, no need to get duplicates lah.. seriously.. i can just sing louder than Elmo.. :) Cannot spoil the kids like that. Haha.

    Wah, thanks a lot! Can't wait to see you guys again!
