It's been six months since you were born! It feels like much longer than that, but when we think in terms of years (i.e. half a year), it then feels like time has flown by.
You are slowly awakening to your surroundings...much more conscious of who's who, what's happening, and are able to make your demands clearly heard.
In terms of physcial development, you have mastered tripod sitting, though you still end up tumbling to one side if we aren't around to catch you -
You've also started having your first feeds of cereal, which you take readily to. We tried feeding you banana mashed with my milk but you weren't so keen and protested after a few mouthfuls.
You started flipping over too, though your flips were initially half-done, with your hand stuck under your body mid-way..we would watch you struggle and struggle to free the trapped hand, until you wail in frustration for help. "WAAAH!"
You've had your first extended trip out with the family...only to MBS, nothing too fancy but it was seriously trying and tiring when you got sleepy or needed to be fed..given that you are a snacker and takes milk in limited quantities at a time, mama thinks she'll attempt bringing you out only after she has weaned you..
You've also taken to feeding yourself with one hand, and started the bad habit of drinking only when you are in the yaolan (it's hard to feed you anywhere else cos you are soooo distractable) -
Your feeding patterns have not changed much, other than drinking a little more at each go.. you have finally moved on to about 90ml per feed, instead of the previous 45ml every 40mins. (I'm so glad that we are past the six-month mark though, cos that takes the pressure of breastfeeding a little.. we still have quite a store of frozen EBM, but we-ell...i've been too lazy to wake up to pump in the middle of the night, especially on those nights when you wake at 1sth am, 3sth am, and 5sth am...i'd go back to my bed, thinking 'let me just rest for a minute before i drag my sorry carcass out to pump', but fall asleep promptly. That has kinda wreaked havoc with supply...and i'm having mixed feelings about it. It'll be liberating to not have to be tied to you / the pump, but then i'll miss the connection, and the only special time we have together. sigh.)
However, sleep-wise, you've finally begun to consolidate your naps, sleeping longer for 1hr+ or 2hr+ each time, although you are awake for longer periods in between naps. You've also started to fight naps in the evening.. you'd absolutely refuse to nap even though it's a crazy for a baby to be awake from 3.30pm to 8.30pm..but we suspect it's cos you hear your brother shouting in the living room and you think you are missing out on the 'action'. hahaa. You are the biggest fan of your korkor and will laugh at his antics. I see him a little surprised by your chuckles as he hops on one foot all over the house, but he gamely repeats it just to make you laugh a little more.
You are growing cuter and cuter each day..with utterly girlish gestures such as sticking one finger in your mouth contemplatively, and sucking furiously on that one finger. You've also learnt anticipation, which makes it easier for us to play peekaboo games with you, or games which involve mama / daddy pretending to have a go at your feet or little fingers. You'd raise your eyebrows as we make menacing sounds and then laugh as we chomp furiously on your limbs.
We are surprised at how aware you are of your surroundings, and of people.. you would whimper for me to carry you whenever Nai nai attempts to carry you, and although you'd smile at strangers, the smile somehow does not seem to reach your eyes, and you'd stare at them warily as if to suss them up.
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