14 June 2011


Christian skipped school the whole of last week cos he was having a cold and we didn't want to risk him catching the HFMD wave currently going through his school.

Think he has been bored, but on the bright side, it has forced him to push the limits of his imagination and creativity.

C and his grandfather would pretend to be driving his Thomas train up and down a train track made of jenga bricks. (C, who usually proclaims himself to be the train driver and the rest of us his motley crew of 'train master', 'passenger' and 'train assistant', cleverly states that he's the train master and my dad the train driver in these instances, so he doesn't have to crawl up and down the tracks, but instead gets to do a "PPpppppfffft!!", mimicking the whistle of the train master.)

He's currently so train-crazy that he sees train tracks everywhere. Seams on the sofa cover. The grouting between the floor tiles. Colourful rectangular blocks lined up straight. All these can be transformed into 'train tracks' in an instant.

The other day when we were driving through the CTE tunnel, he looked up, saw the two parallel rows of fluorescent lights on the ceiling and proclaimed that those were train tracks.

He's also taken to emptying the Ikea pull-cart which stores colourful blocks, holding it by the string at the end and dragging it vertically up and down, whilst saying it's a lift.

When I was putting him to bed half an hr ago, he put both feet against the cot rails and slid his feet up and down (they were socked, so were easy to slide), imagining his gonggong, popo, mama and daddy entering and exiting his 'feet-lift' and him transporting us up and down.

It's so wonderful, to be able to peek into the rich and colourful world of one so small and innocent. :)

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