26 April 2011

Conversations with a 2.5 yr old

Talking with my 2.5 yr old often amuses me.

Just tonight, in the short 30 minute pre-sleep bedtime routine, my son provided me with so much fodder for the blog that this pregnant woman was unable to remember all the funny things he said.

1) C, my punnyman
Me: Christian, do you know who loves you?
Christian: Mama!
Me: And...?
C: And.. er... And-rew!
Me: Huh? Who's Andrew?
C: Aaaaand-drew... (*du-uh, why does mama not get the pun?) Andrew is my friend in school!

2) C, my funnyman
I place my spectacles on the edge of my bed and lie down next to his toddler cot-bed.
The busybody says "Mama, i hold your spectacles for you. See, see, I help you. Cannot put here, wait fall down."
Me: Oh, thank you.
C: Mama, I bought the spectacles for you. You must wear your spectacles ok? I scold you, then you must wear your spectacles.
Me: Why are you scolding me?
C: Cos you not wearing your spectacles! ... ... See! Mama, I wear your spectacles, ok??
Me: No no.. this is not a pair of sunglasses. You cannot wear it.
C: Oh, where is the sunglasses?
Me: In the shop, we did not buy it.
C: I buy the sunglasses!
Me: Ok, but you need money. Where's your money?
C: My money.. my money is in gongong's wallet.
Me: *laughs inwardly*

3) Expressing his unwillingness to sleep
C: Mosquito bite me; mosquito bite Christian.
Me: Oh, really? Okay..mosquito says it's time for bed.
C: NoOoO, mosquito say time for wake up.
*repeat lines 2 and 3 above*

4) Imitation
C: Ma-Ma?
Me: Chris-tian?
C: maAmaA?
Me: chrIStiAN?
C (In the exact tone i use when i try to comfort him during the times he's ill): Mama, I'm heere. Don't be fine.
(He got the "You'll be fine" jumbled up..)

5) C giving me a peek into his world, where everything is magical and possible.
C: Mama and Christian go inside the aircon.
Me: Huh? We go inside?
C: Yes, then we cannot come out.
Me: Oh... we are stuck?
C: Yes. We need to look for a door. Then we can come out.
Me (still trying my darndest to put him to bed): Close your eyes, then you can see the door.
C (Clenches his eyes tight, strains his neck and shouts): MAMA! I see the door already! We can come out! Then we go out the window and we fly down!
Me: Christiaaan...it's time for bed.

25 April 2011

Perth (2 Apr 11 - 11 Apr 11)

 We wanted to take a family holiday before the little girl pops into this world. My way of spending a little more time with my first-born, though P complained that it was hardly a holiday for him (running to clean up, feed and keep the little tyke out of trouble each day caused both of us to be so exhausted that we fall asleep within seconds of hitting the sack each day).

We had a great time with Angie and Ivan, who were kind enough to share their house and lives with us for a week. Christian also seemed to grow more mature & gained awareness of situations, people, mechanics, etc.
'Nuff words, here are some pictures of our holiday -

Picnic at Caversham; first meeting with Aunty Michelle and Josh
A wheelbarrow full of merino wool!

Having fun

Waiting at the bus stop outside Ivangie's
At London Court

At Mandurah, with our sleeping baby
I'm the captain!
Mama, what's that?
Captain Christian
At King's Park

King's Park's treetop walk

Playground at South Perth

Hello World!

Hi everybody!
My name is Christian Wang Kaixiang and I'm the beloved little one of my proud parents. I came into this world on 23 Sep 08, after a rather long labour on my poor mummy's part. (The birth story warrants an entire post in itself..let me introduce myself first. :) )
I was 3.445kg and 52cm at birth, my parents were marvelling at my lusty lungs when i was born. It's been 5 months and 5 days, and i find this world ever more fascinating with every passing day. You are welcome to journey with me as I learn more about life and teach the adults around me the joys of life!

The above was posted on 28 Feb 2009 on another blog, which I promptly gave up on right after the first post.

Christian is now a toddler, and we are expecting a little girl sometime in July. ^_^

We have decided to revive blogging, since P complainssuggests that my little diary entries are unintelligible to all but me. I hope it will entertain you whilst serving as our family's chronicles of our little ones.