She is such a 2 years 2 weeks, she can -
1) sing the ‘Days of the Week’ song by herself..i am not sure whether she learnt it from her brother, but i sang it twice for her while putting her to bed last night and i realised she could sing it herself when she went
..monday, tuesday wednesday, thursday friday, saturdaaaay…’
I was so surprised i thought it worthy of reporting to P.
2) She can rote count (i.e. recite) up to 10 and count items up to 6…we were eating peas during dinner today (she has 3 rounds of dinner everyday..her own at 5.30pm, another round when my mum or her brother eats, and a round while seated on my lap as i have my dinner) and i thought to burst the pods open to reveal the peas inside. we started counting the number of peas in each pod and she impressed me with how she knew each pea should correlate to a number and managed to count the number of peas accurately. Plucking the peas out of the pod was also good for practising her fine motor skills..
She is the cutest when she fed me the pods after she was done eating all the peas..i gobbled 3 pods in a row and she started admonishing me ‘must chew must chew…must bite bite okaaay…?’
She is also so cute when she says good night and ‘see you tomorrow’ to an imaginary lizard on the ceiling..when she pulls her hand towards her and strokes it gently with her baby fingers, saying ‘i want to sayang mama’, before giving me loud kisses on the insides of my palm. Sigh. These sweeeet days won’t last forever, I know. And that’s why it is important to jot these moments down.
She’s so sharp too..insists that i sleep and lie down next to her. i am not allowed to sit and put her to bed cos i suppose that means i am likely to leave her and not really fall asleep next to her. and so i laid down next to her…but got questioned a minute later ‘why you need spectacles mama?’
Oh i wish i had more time each day to read and sing with you…a lot of the time after work is spent with her brother monitoring his home work, revising his mandarin, reading new books..i feel like there is not enough time to divide between the siblings… =\