26 March 2013

Effusive declaration of love

P left on his 14-day trip to New Zealand with his mum and aunt yesterday. This was the reason for some of our squabbles – I was displeased that he was going ahead with such a long holiday without me and the kids, he thinks i was kicking up a big fuss over nothing.

In any case, we made peace after both of us stated our case and heard each other’s viewpoints out.

Christian said yesterday evening, hours after P left,

“I will miss daddy. I will re-ally love him when he comes back. When he’s back i will give him a BIIIIIIiiiig hug and a hamburger kiss and a woodpecker kiss!”

(Awww…a hamburger kiss is where Ch’s face gets squashed as I kiss one cheek of his and P kisses the other cheek, and a woodpecker kiss happens when P gives Ch lots of little pecks on the cheek. Ch used to act really grossed out and would wipe the side where his father kissed (not my side) but we always thought he secretly enjoyed it and this is proof!)

Tonight, Christian told me: “Daddy knows we are going to Malaysia right? Why didn’t Daddy ask me whether I will miss him a lot?” I told him his Daddy knows, his Daddy misses him and his sister a lot and knows he feels the same.

Christian the author

He was lying in my bed, to my right, while Calista lay to my left (heaven!). The two of them competed to give me loud kisses over my arm and face as I luxuriated in the moment.

A while later, the before-sleep thoughts came..

“Mama, when I grow up, I want to write stories and became an author.. then the book cover will read ‘Author Christian W’.”

I grinned brightly and made encouraging comments about how proud I would be of him and going on my typical Asia-mum nag on how this is the reason we need to learn how to read and write and spell.

And thus proceeded his first story

“mama, I know.. i have a story..the title is ‘the two scary monsters’.

It will start, ‘the two scary monsters were big. they ate people and wanted to come into our house. We hid in our room and locked the door. They tried to come in but we kept quiet. After a long long long time they went away and we opened our doors to check… .. .. ..”

Me: wait wait let’s write the story tomorrow ok, we can put it into a book.

Ch: Then I can give my book out to everybody..and everybody can read! It doesn’t matter if i forget this right, I can always think up of another story.

Me: ^_^

23 March 2013

Happy 5th Anniversary to us

We had a petty squabble the day of our 5th anniversary, but made up in time. P had bought me a durian cake from Sheraton (“just cos you have not had your favourite cake in a long while”) and I gave him tickets to Le Noir, a cirque act performing at MBS.

I laughed when I saw what was written on the cake –_--


Felt slightly guilty about going to Le Noir with P the following week, but the acts were breath-taking we talked all night about how alive those performers are, compared to us sedentary office workers. I was amazed by the perfect execution and grace of those performers, and it was a thoroughly entertaining evening. PicMonkey Collage

22 March–“I care for you” + “Mama’s baby”

I had little lunch yesterday, and got hungry mid-afternoon. Was too busy to go out of the office to buy something to eat, and ended up with gastric pains in the evening. It got quite bad by the time I got home and at one point I was just lying on the mattress, unable to move.

Christian was bounding up and down, to and fro as usual. After a while, he came to whisper in my ear: “Mama, do you know that I care?”


*tenderly* “Do you know that I care a lot? For you? So…will you eat the medicine to kill the germs and get better?”

Awww..he was trying the soft approach. He cheerfully helped me report to P when P got home too “Mama’s got a stomachache! She didn’t eat much in the day and now the acid in her stomach is eating a hole in her!”’


My mum reported to me as I was at the dinner table, that she and my brother’s girlfriend were ordered not to eat the french bean omelette. He said “that’s for Mama..I want to leave for mama”. Awww… given that his favourite food is egg, he probably thought that was the best dish on the table and wanted to make sure I got the same too. =7


When putting Calista to bed, I asked, “who’s my baby? Are you my baby? Are you mama’s baby?”

She: “Mama daddy baby.”

P burst out laughing at her quick response: “They are all so politically correct!”

I was slightly miffed and asked again “Mama’s baby?”

This time, the response was “Daddy’s baby. Daddy’s baby daddy’s baby.”

Bleah. Girls. P was soooo pleased, scooped her into a hug and kiss while I showed her my back. She read my body language so well and immediately lunged over to place her head on my arm. Hah.


21 March 2013

Siblings’ first kiss

Last night, Christian attempted to massage his worn-out mum and I returned him the favour. Calista of course tried to join in, and help massage her brother, so he ended up doing the same for her too. It was so cute (and rare) to see her lie still, while her brother fiddled with her face. =7 The look of trust she had on her face while she gazed up at her brother was priceless, and so I whipped out my phone hoping to capture that.

What came next was quite unexpected..Christian cradled her face and said “Kiss kiss”, she gave him her cheek and he gave her a peck, before repeating the other side. AWww… They fight almost every day so it makes this all the more sweeter to witness.


17 March 2013

Precious box

A few nights ago, he was bounding about in the bedroom and offered a box to his grandmother, saying she could put her things in it. I took a glance, and told him it was a box I had brought back from the office for him, so that he could put his toys or other precious things in it.

He jumped around and waved it about, coming back to me 2 minutes later with a bright face:

“I know! I know what precious thing I can put in the box!”

Me: “Oh really? What?”

Him: “You! You are my precious thing!” *beam* “Hahaha! But I cannot put you in the box right?”

Me: AWWwww…

precious box

07 March 2013


Christian reads!! He has been reading since last year, and I was so proud of his ability to decode the words according to the individual phonetics of each letter..to put the sounds together and blend them into a word is no mean feat for a then 3- year old.

I’ve bought him tons of books since then.. and he seems to like Eric Carle and Dr Seuss the most, together with other books on machines, monsters, dinosaurs, etc.

His reading ability went leaps and bounds in a few months and he surprises P and me occasionally with his ability to decode/recognise words I thought too difficult / long for him.

I did not think to capture this milestone of his until recently, and took a video of him reading Dr Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham last week. So proud that he didn’t need help with that book at all. :)


Hopefully his sister will take to books and stories just like her brother.

03 March 2013

Letter to Calista at 19.5 months


Things were very good for a while…you were sleeping through the night without waking even once for milk, but that spell lasted all of maybe 2 weeks. Now, it’s de rigeur for you to wake up once and cry “Daddy, make milk..Daddy make milk”, upon which your Daddy will spring out of bed (he sometimes requires a nudge or two, or a bolster thrown at him before action is taken). I went out to make milk instead of him a few nights ago, just cos I was awake before him when you cried. You were Livid to find him next to you, and me out of the room, instead of the other way round, and wailed “DADDDY!” (I had thought, given the way you cling on to your Daddy in the day, that you were past the stage of clinging on to mama at night. But no.)

You love to pretend to want-to-sleep on “Mama’s pillow”, and will give me an evil laugh as I act surprised. When I pretend to be angry and approach you menacingly, you are so thrilled and shriek in delight.


This is related to your sleep..you’ve gotten pickier and thus eats less..causing you to wake for milk, me suspect.

You do love yogurt so much though..you’ve gotten into a habit of requesting that every evening. Tonight, i thought it was too late for cold yogurt and asked if you wanted milk and bed instead. You threw yourself onto the floor, waved your hands and said NOOooooo… (Daddy who was preoccupied and not looking over, interpreted it as ‘now’ until i told him of your hand action.) Every night when I come home from work, you’ll surround me at the dinner table and go “o-gurt o-gurt o-gurt o-gurt” and give me the brightest grin as you follow me around while i dish it out.

Such a puppy. A determined puppy. There was once when you didn’t eat much of dinner, and demanded yogurt just before sleeping (after we had changed and you had  your night milk feed). I refused, distracted you, relented and let you go out to have a little bit of bread (since that was less messy) and thought you were contented when you eventually slept. Imagine my shock when the first thing you said the next morning was “O-gurt, mama, o-gurt” –__—"

You love noodles and bread, are not so keen on rice / potatoes, and totally refuse porridge and gooey cereal. Haha. We have a difficult time feeding you, but you have started learning how to feed yourself so we leave you to it most of the time. You do a pretty good job of getting 80% to your mouth, before picking at the food with your fingers since it is more efficient that way for you. So fiercely independent, you reject any help offered, beating our hand away if we even try and help you hold the bowl nearer your mouth. =7

Play and actions

You have started ‘pretend play’.  “meimei meow meow”, “meimei cat”, you’d go, before proceeding to give a long MEEEooow… and chuckling heartily when I woof back.

You like writing and holding pens, always clamouring to ‘Drawdraw, drawdraw” every time I pull the stationery box out for Christian. Popo has taught you the proper pencil grip and you sometimes remember to hold the pen correctly by yourself.

You still run like an “ah soh”, as my MIL calls it. Seeing you run never fails to make me laugh, no matter how tired I am. You swing/fling your arms by your side as  you toddle and propel yourself forward. It’s almost as if your body is slower than your mind. Sometimes you thrust your chest forward as you run, in the hope that you’ll reach your target sooner =7

Generous with your kisses, you kiss pictures of cats, my cheek, my arm, the air around daddy, gonggong.. etc etc. It’s so lovely to be kissed by a little girl, a feeling of pure joy runs through me each time.

You looove hide and seek. We watched as Christian and you played hide and seek around the pillars at the ground floor yesterday. You saw your brother face the wall and count and when it was your turn, you covered your eyes too and went “one-two-three” before running as fast as your little legs could carry you.

calista collage

Song and words

Dear Rae, you’ve taken to singing along to nursery rhymes too. You can fill in the blanks and love to sing and dance -

Raindrops keeps falling on my HEAD

Twinkle twinkle little star, how i wonder where you are.

Head, and shoulder knees and toes (you love this and will say “Song, song” when you want me to repeat").

Row row row your boat, gently down the streamMerrily merrily merrily row, life is but a dream.

One of your favourite activities is to request that I turn on the children praise music and dance along to it, swaying your hands and hips and collapsing onto the bed with laughter.

Your vocabulary has also expanded rapidly..we are so proud that you are able to communicate rather well, and make your wants/needs understood. Even if you are unable to verbalise the exact thing it is you want, a few Q&As will normally draw out what it is you are trying to say.

You call your doll Emily in such a cute manner “Eh-mer-y”, you say.

“Elp me” and “look, mama look!” are common refrains these days too.


You’ve finally hit the 10kg mark and Popo can scarcely carry you now. My arms ached after a weekend of carrying you about, and i just noticed that almost all your canines are out. You have an almost full set of teeth, barring one missing lower canine on your right. ^_^ You love to brush your teeth..i give you a toothbrush for you to muck around, while using a finger brush to brush simultaneously. You will remind me at night, before sleeping, and when you wake up in the morning (making special effort to enunciate carefully so i understand you) - “Br-ush tee-eth, mama.”

There’s lots more about you, baby, but it’s impossible to capture everything about you in words. You have filled our lives with joy and much as it is tiring to always focus our attention on you, the rewards of your love is immeasurable.

We shall treasure this baby version of you, daughter, before you grow up, too quickly.

Such precious, magical moments we have.

Lots and lots of love from a most naggy and long-winded mama…

02 March 2013


I read an article in Babble.com written by a stay-home dad the other day. I felt really sorry for him cos he has a son with a serious oedipus complex (P insists our son was not far off.)

But what really struck me was this paragraph he wrote (I felt an immediate connection to his wife. To think there is someone out there who feels exactly like me! My situation is not unique, even though it appears to be in my circle of friends!) -

“Whatever the case, his near-constant need for my wife takes a toll on all of us. When she comes home, he swoops upon her with questions and demands for playing. She has scarce time to relax, or sip a glass of wine, and there are days when I don't get much more than a nod of hello. At night, after putting him to bed -- an activity that requires persistence, as he'll bolt from the covers and run to the top of the steps crying "I forgot to tell you 'I love you'" -- she collapses on the couch, craving space to be her own person, free from the demands of work and parenting for an hour or two before slipping into sleep. The last thing she wants, on most nights, is for me to start pawing at her, or engaging her in heated conversation about my worry du-jour.”