I previously blogged about Christian attending a casting call for a commercial, and about his experience during the TVC. Well the commercial is finally out and I finally talk about it with no confidentiality restrictions!
It took place on the 5th of November. We were a little puzzled as to the storyline, but he was to be part of a family with a sister, father and mother. The stereotypical happy family. I explained to him that he would be acting, that it is so that a director can take a video with a big camera, and that he would see the video on television. (He seldom watches TV so has little idea what an advertisement is.)
Before the shooting of the TVC proper, we had to attend a fitting session. Christian met his “family” for the first time during fitting, and he warmed up to his “sister” Christabel then. I was quite surprised by how good natured he was about changing in and out of 15 outfits, but i’m glad he took everything well.
P took leave cos I am still on probation and unable to take leave. I so wished that I could have been there, but P was kind enough to send me a running commentary and live feed of pictures so I could witness events as they developed.
They started the day at Labrador Park, where they had to shout from a slide, at the “Father” who pretended to be busy with his phone. They then progressed to cycling. Christian had to do most of the work cos the other child model was younger than him and couldn’t cycle. It was hard work and took a looong time.. they progressed to a scene where Christian had some solo shots with the “Father”. The director took to tickling Christian from behind the bench they were sitting, to capture Christian’s unbridled laughter.
After lunch, the crew moved to a beautiful house..Christian pretended to play hide and seek and had to count to 20 at least 40 times. The director / producer kept asking him to repeat the count cos he looked in the wrong direction at the end of counting, or cos it was too fast, too slow, etc. My heart ached for him, cos he must have been tired, but he was so game to just do it without complaint or whining.
Think he had most fun at the flour scene, when he was asked to throw flour at the “parents” while they pretended to bake together. To make a mess without being scolded for it must be a refreshing first for him.
All in, it was a good experience for Christian. We think he enjoyed the attention and pampering (one of the producers was fanning him cos he was in the sun during the baking scene). It was also good to see behind the scenes, how much work goes into a few-second commercial. Free speech and drama training! He even asked me whether we were going back the next day..and was a little sad to know that he wouldn’t be seeing the rest again.
The producers were quite nice..they brought little toy vehicles to coax him into following their direction. They also sent us the video file (instead of merely a link). He appears for only a few seconds, and it’s kinda blink-and-you-miss-him but like my cousin pointed out, it ends on a great note with “Home is where the [insert Christian’s smiling face within a heart] is”-
The grandparents’ (and I will admit, P’s and mine too) hearts were bursting with pride when they first caught the commercial on Channelnewsasia. ^_^