Well, children. 5 days ago marked Daddy’s and Mama’s 10th Dating Anniversary. Mama and Daddy celebrated by going to Au Chocolat at MBS for lunch, but there was little fanfare otherwise. I thought of getting something for Daddy but didn’t go beyond Royce chocolates and a little card. The two of us would love to have gone for a holiday to mark the occasion but it was not quite possible since I had just started a new job and your Daddy had used up most of his leave to study for various courses.
I did think about it though, and thought that perhaps I should post something here just so you two could understand how your Daddy and I met, dated, and got married. (Inspired by Christian’s questions on how he would know how to find the right one. Gosh. These questions are popping up way earlier than expected.) So, here’s the story, in case some tragic event happens and I never get to watch you two grow up and you never get to ask me:
Your Daddy and I met in university in May/June 2001. It was the faculty orientation, and I was asked to go around in some ridiculous cheerleader outfit. Your Daddy (the superficial one) said I caught his eye because I was in a Union Jack tank top and a short skirt. – __ – I hardly paid him any attention. Slowly over the course of a year though, I found out that he liked me.. and boy was he romantic. He wooed with poems, and gifts stuck in my locker..by being around, and my heart would skip a beat when we met to study before lectures / tutorials. It was a little complicated, cos I was actually still in another relationship when we met, so nothing really happened until I broke up with this other guy in early 2002. I felt horrible, but well, I think my heart was not there and I don’t think I really loved that guy even though we got along rather well. Your Daddy and I were torn between propriety and raging hormones and did not get together until late 2002. One thing that irked me was, he never did “Ask the question”, but just assumed that I was going to be his girlfriend after dating. We therefore do not have a definite date to mark the start of our relationship.. but 16 Oct 2002 was a special date to us, and we used it as a marker for keeping count.
Here’s some pictures to show you how young, carefree and happy we were. Well, that’s not to say that we are miserable now, though we definitely do feel the burden of cares a lot more these days..

I forgot to add..the journey has not been easy. We started off with quite a lot of drama due to miscommunication (our 1st dates were filled with awkward silences and silent bus trips..although the chemistry was sizzling (then), we had no idea what the other was thinking.)
We’ve learnt to adapt to each other:
- different bio-clocks (your daddy used to wake the minute the sun shone into the room, whilst I could keep snoring on till 11am if left alone);
- different food preferences (daddy educated me on the goodness of oatmeal and goat’s milk)
- different sleep habits (i could not live without aircon, daddy used to get blocked noses from sleeping in airconditioned rooms..but eventually he came round to the benefits of sleeping in a room where the windows could be closed fully to block the traffic noise)
We’ve also had to learn to live without each other for a while..this happened twice, in our 2nd year of relationship when we were sent to different cities for exchange (he to Toronto, and I to Halifax)..as well as in our first year of marriage, when Daddy worked in Hong Kong for a while.
Things are still not all rosy and smooth sailing now, but I am grateful to have found a soulmate and life partner to weather all the storms and cross the hurdles with. I thank him for spotting and picking me out from the crowd so many years ago..he has become a worm in my stomach, one who knows me so well, sometimes even better than I do myself.
This I wish for you two, my children. To find a soulmate God means for you to have, one who understands you, loves you, one who laughs along with you and whom inspires you to be a better person. Hopefully by looking at us, you will understand what it is you want in a life partner, and I won’t tear my hair out the first time you bring a girlfriend / boyfriend home. ^_^